Articles on: DreamTax IPR6 Bulk Submissions

DreamTax Sync Options

Understanding Different Sync Options in DreamTax

DreamTax offers various sync options to ensure accurate and up-to-date information in your profiles. Understanding when and how to use each sync option can enhance your experience with the platform.

First Sync - The first sync occurs automatically when you sign up for a new profile or transition to a new phase. It pulls all necessary data to initiate your profile and set the foundation for seamless tax filing.

New Sync - Use the New Sync option for updates or additions to efiling. This sync pulls through only the new updates or clients added after a full/first sync, reducing unnecessary data transfer.

Specific Client Sync - DreamTax allows you to resync up to 10 specific clients at a time. This targeted approach ensures that you can focus on updating information for selected clients without affecting the entire dataset.

Historical Sync - If historical data did not sync or was manually refreshed on efiling, use the Historical Sync to update those values. Note that using this sync may overwrite manually entered information, including PAYE and Provincial tax already paid, in the Calculation Phase. A notice will prompt you to ensure you want to proceed.

By refreshing historical information via this sync, DreamTax will overwrite information entered manually into the calculation. This includes PAYE and Provincial Tax already paid. The data will only be overwritten in the Calculation Phase; all other phases will not be affected. Before proceeding, ensure that all calculations where you have manually edited information are moved out of the calculation phase.

Full Sync - The Full Sync option is reserved for cases where data has not fully pulled through from e-filing. It is not performed automatically due to resource-intensive nature and infrequent necessity.

This sync should not be done if you have already completed submissions on DreamTax.

Updated on: 02/02/2024

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