Articles on: PlanSmart

VAT Status Report

Only Supervisor and Partner status users can work on the VAT Status Report report for all clients. Normal users will be able to view the report only for the clients they are allocated to. To allocate users to client services, check out this guide.


Click on PlanSmart

Select SARS

Select VAT

Click on VAT Status Report

If you have partner or supervisor status, you can filter the report according to Partner, User, VAT Sequence Clients or Other options (show all, show uploaded, show mark as complete, show outstanding, show notes, show users log table) Then click on show report. The report will automatically display for normal users only showing the clients that are allocated to them.

View what VAT submissions are still due or have been done.

To understand how to load submissions or add notes, check out the this guide, from point 6.

View the total clients and the % report for each month.

Email all clients with outstanding VAT submissions.

The email box will open which can be edited. Only those clients whose submissions were not yet done will be added to the recipients list.

Updated on: 06/02/2024

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